Saturday, September 19, 2015

What are you doing, Matthew?

Today, this evening, we all got together and watched Looney Tunes, the more modern version with Mel Blanc's son doing the main characters and various other voice actors. While we were watching, Matt got up and went to the kitchen. I could hear him pouring water and then there was a pause while he was drinking, but after that he poured the rest of the water in the sink. He emptied the whole Brita pitcher in this manner. 

He knows that upsets me but this time I didn't say anything. Then, for the first time, he said "What are you doing?"  At first I wasn't sure why he said that but he repeated himself a few more times. Finally, he just poured a cup of water on the floor and for that I got upset and without thinking I said out loud "Matthew!  What ARE you doing?!"  I got up and went straight to the kitchen and saw the water in the floor. Matthew was laughing and he snuck out of the kitchen while I cleaned it up. 

After cleaning that up I had Matt go with me to do the laundry and while there he was laughing the whole time and repeated "What are you doing?".  I got to the point where I humored him and repeated that phrase but with my motherly tone (otherwise he wouldn't laugh). He started by walking up close to me, getting directly in front of me and looking me in the eyes and said "What are you doing Matthew?"  So, I repeated that in my motherly tone and he cracked up laughing.  We did this nonstop for a good 30 minutes while I folded laundry. Finally, his laughing slowed down and no matter how much he wanted to continue laughing, the whole thing was starting to get old and he wasn't finding it as funny anymore. The phrase's humor started waning off while we finished the laundry. 

It was a fun night seeing Matt initiate the communication and share his most amazing laugh and sense of humor with me. 

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