Saturday, September 19, 2015

Samantha and Cinny in bed

Last night, Samantha took her bird Cinny to bed with her and when she's done this in the past, she usually asks me to take the bird before she falls asleep. 

This time however she fell asleep cuddling with Cinny. 

I almost forgot that the bird was there but something in me reminded me so I checked on Samantha.  Sure enough, she was fast asleep but at first I could not see Cinny.  So I flashed my iPhone flashlight over Sammie and saw a wide open bird's eye underneath Sammie's hand. Sammie was lying on her back and her hands were folded on her chest over her heart and under her hands was a very still, very comfortable Cinny, lying completely facedown on Sammie's chest.  Her eyes were wide open however and when she saw me, she wiggled out from Sammie's embrace, stood up, shaked herself up, and walked toward me groggily, as if to say "I'm done. Take me to my bed".  

I put her in her cage and covered it and for the first time Cinny did not complain or flap her wings after I covered it. When I walked away she did not complain and beg me to take her with me (a lot of bed time specific squawks and I usually talk to her until she calms down).  Cinny stayed quiet in her cage and went to sleep. 

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