Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Samantha and Aaron's conversation

While driving from karate to home Samantha was telling me about her Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Vargas-she had baby chicks in her class room, and so on. Aaron seemed tired of hearing about Mrs. Vargas and he yelled "Mrs. Poopagas said this and Mrs. Poopagas said that!"  Samantha got offended and I managed to get them to talk about something else. Then Aaron started talking about his teacher Mrs. Roberts and how much he liked her, and then Samantha said "Mrs. Pooperts" and laughed. Aaron said in a most somber tone "Oh...oh no...don't talk about Mrs. Roberts like that", and Samantha said ""Well that's how I felt when you said Mrs. Poopagas". Aaron got silent. Then he said "Mrs. Roberts might spank you for saying that", then Samantha said "well, Mrs. Vargas will spank you for saying that". They got quiet for a bit, and  then busted up laughing and Aaron said "Mrs. Vargas would spank you too!", and they laughed louder, and Samantha said "and then Mrs. Roberts will spank you!", and they laughed open and earnestly again. Samantha then said "and then Mrs. Vargas spanks Mrs. Roberts" and that really did it, they laughed harder. Aaron said "and then the teachers spank each other!"... And the laughter continued...very cute!

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