Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Samantha and Aaron's conversation

While driving from karate to home Samantha was telling me about her Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Vargas-she had baby chicks in her class room, and so on. Aaron seemed tired of hearing about Mrs. Vargas and he yelled "Mrs. Poopagas said this and Mrs. Poopagas said that!"  Samantha got offended and I managed to get them to talk about something else. Then Aaron started talking about his teacher Mrs. Roberts and how much he liked her, and then Samantha said "Mrs. Pooperts" and laughed. Aaron said in a most somber tone "Oh...oh no...don't talk about Mrs. Roberts like that", and Samantha said ""Well that's how I felt when you said Mrs. Poopagas". Aaron got silent. Then he said "Mrs. Roberts might spank you for saying that", then Samantha said "well, Mrs. Vargas will spank you for saying that". They got quiet for a bit, and  then busted up laughing and Aaron said "Mrs. Vargas would spank you too!", and they laughed louder, and Samantha said "and then Mrs. Roberts will spank you!", and they laughed open and earnestly again. Samantha then said "and then Mrs. Vargas spanks Mrs. Roberts" and that really did it, they laughed harder. Aaron said "and then the teachers spank each other!"... And the laughter continued...very cute!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Like my dad

Aaron was awake minute ago telling me he could not sleep with the light in the hall on.  I said a quick prayer while sitting next to him but before I finished I heard Aaron snoring. He fell asleep that fast. 

My dad was the same way. Whenever I was scared at night I'd run to my parent's room, flick on the light, and hop in between them and feel safe. But then my dad would complain, he'd say "oh no-I can't sleep with the lights on!", "turn off the lights!", "I can't sleep like this", then an instant later I heard a huge, train wreck of a snore from him, and my mother was so used to it, she slept right through it.  He was sound asleep, from 0 to REM! 

I have never been one to fall asleep so suddenly. They make me laugh and to think I'd see it in my son all over again, is just a blessing!  Lol!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Sam and raw sugar

The kids and I went to Sprouts today and I usually get one if those sample coffees and continue shopping from there. At the end of our grocery shopping, I went for more coffee, but it was empty. Then Samantha took my empty cup and continued to pump the coffee thermos (that's what they use).  She pumped all 3 coffee thermos' and got a few drops. As I was getting in line at the check stand I heard her say "Mmm, this is REALLY good sugar".  I asked her where she got the sugar, and she said at the coffee, they have it out there. Ah!  I said, and let her go back for more coffee. Right before it was my turn to put the groceries on the conveyer belt, Samantha came up to me with what looked like the cup of coffee with a mini black spoon. She wanted me to take a sip. As Sam got the "spoon" closer to me I noticed it was actually a stirrer straw, all bent up, and there was no coffee in the cup. I complained but she only held the straw closer to my mouth and said "taste it, just taste it". I looked at her and the straw and went to suck the coffee drops out of the straw, but it turned out to be packed with sugar. I sucked so hard the sugar shot into my mouth almost to my gag point, however I found my tongue covered in a pasty, granulated sugar that was surprisingly crunchy and wouldn't dissolve. I wanted to let it dribble out off my lower lip to the floor but Sam was right up against me, ready with another straw full saying "wasn't that good?!".  Yeah.  I kept the sugar and swallowed it.  I told her I didn't expect so much sugar, and she said "it's sugar with coffee!  Isn't it good?"  You mean coffee with sug...oh!  Lol!  

Right after we paid and were heading out of the store, I saw that Sam had stopped and held captive Matt. She was telling him "no, no, just try it! It's really good! You'll like it!" And with that Matt paused, Sam put the straw to his lips, as soon as he cracked open his lips she shot the straw in there and he grimmaced. He started crunching on the sugar and was about to push it all out with his tongue over and out of his bottom lip, still grimmacing, but stopped when he saw Sam still leaning into him with the straw still up saying "isn't it good". He calmly closed his mouth and munched somemore until it all dissolved and went down the hatch. 

Lol. Sam asked me if that sugar was regular sugar and I thought about it and told her it must've been raw sugar. She said "RAW sugar.  I like raw sugar!  From now on I only want raw sugar!"  Ok.