Friday, December 27, 2013

Kids' memorable comments 2013

Samantha likes to play with my makeup and one day, while on my way to a function with Samantha, I could not find my lipstick. We were parked and she saw me searching for it and she said "Mommy, do you need lipstick?"  I asked her if she knew where it was and she said "No, but you can use mine" and she reached into her purse and gave me her small, sample size, lipstick.  She took me by surprise but since I did not have time to question her more, I used her lipstick. Lol!  

Aaron: Where is your daddy, mommy?
Me: My daddy died when I was a little girl. 
Aaron: I wish I could go to him and hug him, and sit on his lap with him. 
Me: :''''''')

And what one sees when ready to flush....

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