Saturday, December 28, 2013

Visit with Vivian, Lea, and Fyn at Sky High! Friday, 12-27-2013

Vivian and Fyn

Lea mid-jump

Matt, Vivian and Fyn

Samantha (the blur)

Lea ( the other blur)

Aaron (the blur), Lea and Sammie in the background

Many blurry pictures but we had a lot of fun at Sky High in Riverside!  Our kids had a lot of fun!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Kids' memorable comments 2013

Samantha likes to play with my makeup and one day, while on my way to a function with Samantha, I could not find my lipstick. We were parked and she saw me searching for it and she said "Mommy, do you need lipstick?"  I asked her if she knew where it was and she said "No, but you can use mine" and she reached into her purse and gave me her small, sample size, lipstick.  She took me by surprise but since I did not have time to question her more, I used her lipstick. Lol!  

Aaron: Where is your daddy, mommy?
Me: My daddy died when I was a little girl. 
Aaron: I wish I could go to him and hug him, and sit on his lap with him. 
Me: :''''''')

And what one sees when ready to flush....

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Blvd. Friday, 12-13-2013


Cookie decorating

In addition to this we went on a horse drawn carriage ride, saw 1/2 hour of the beautiful choir singing Christmas songs (I sang along even though I have no voice), sat with puppies, and jumped around in the bounce houses.  All of this made for a very, sleepy, bunch of kids at the end of it all.  :) Merry Christmas!  

Monday, December 23, 2013

These kids are sooo funny!

Today, we went to see the lights at a local neighborhood and they were asking about Santa (I focus on Jesus' birth but not Santa), so I told them that when I was a little girl We used to have to wait up to 12 am for Santa to drop off the presents... Aaron interrupted me and said " when I was a little... Baby... I used to hug Santa (the other day he said plainly that he was afraid of Santa). Samantha then said "but, you're still a little boy". Lol!

Today at dinner, Matt finished eating dinner before Samantha and Aaron and grabbed a bag of Aaron's chocolates (that I'd put aside for Aaron to eat after dinner) and ate the only Santa. Aaron was very angry, and rightly so. So I told Matt that the next time he has chocolates he would have to let Aaron pick out what he wants.  A little while later, when everyone was done with dinner, Matt asked for rice and I gave him some. He took it to the dinner table, pinched one grain of rice off his plate and put it on Aaron's and then went to eat his rice. Lol!

Playing at Brea Promenade

In Santa's chair at the Brea promenade. 

Messing around/posing for Christmas card photo.