Friday, May 8, 2015

Aaron's growing up

A week ago or so I was helping Aaron pick out his pajamas for bed and I asked him "Squish, what do you want to wear?" And he said "Mommy, don't call me Squishy anymore..."  And I said "Really?" And then he said "and don't call me Little anymore either....".  Holding down the lump in my throat, I took a deep breath and decided to be a good sport about it, rather than cry my eyes out.  I shrugged it off, like it was no big deal, and I said "Okay Baby, I won't call you Squish or Liddle anymore". There was a pause and then he said "don't call me Baby...."  Oops!  Lol!  My baby is growing up! This day inevitably arrived. Wahhhh!

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