Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Matt Matt sleeping

We still have 5 winter blankets out, in case it gets cold, that I fold every morning and put them at the side of Matt's bed. Technically, they're just being set aside until needed, but every night lately, Matt's been taking one by one, sleeping in each one, picks one and covers himself (from toes to over his head), pushes all the unwanted blankets to his feet, takes Aaron's pillow (he must not like Sam's), piles that one on his pillow, and puts his head on that with his feet partially on the blankets. Lol!  

He must be mimicking his Nana's bed set up, however, she has GERD, and has to sleep on a wedge that elevates her head and upper back while she sleeps. She also has a couple of sheets on her and one blanket nearby to cover herself if it gets cold at night, but that's it.  Matt doesn't want sheets, his favorite is the wool woven blanket (and he has used a different blanket every night, but the wool one more often).  It's 70•F at night, and he still wants that one!  Lol!

That's him!

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