Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010

Today, Aaron 22 months old, did # 1 in the potty for the first time this morning at 7:45 a.m. after being dry all night long!  Yay!

Matthew went to his first day of school as a 1st grader!

So we had a group hug when Matthew got home from school.  I did not realize how much everyone missed him like I do.  Samantha gave him a hug and he hugged her back and then Aaron gave him a hug, and finally they dog-piled me with hugs.

Later today before dinner, Samantha and Aaron were yelling over something.  So I redirected them by shouting over their voices "Time to eat dinner!"  and Samantha said "No dinner for baby!"  and then Aaron responded "No dinna foe Baby doll!"  (I call Samantha "Baby doll")


  1. I love this blog it is such a good idea!!! Your memories are stored forever and we can all enjoy them as they happen :-)

  2. Jeakira! It’s me Wendy. I happen to stumble on this blog while helping my mom with a feature on her facebook. This is too cool, I love reading blogs on all sorts of subjects. One of my favorite blogs belongs to my friend and her husband who moved to Utah; they write about faith and their adventures there. I am so glad I can keep up with your family this way. Your children are so precious. I hope this comment finds you very blessed and I hope to read more soon.
