Friday, January 31, 2014


(Changed the purse and removed the crown and gloves)

(New purse and flower on dress)

Samantha's note on Matt

Whenever Matthew finishes a therapy I talk to the therapist and he/she tells me how he's progressing, and I take notes. This is a picture of the notes Samantha was taking from one of the therapists. 

It reads: "He talked a lot more today. Everyday is ok. He got stuck on some words...the teacher is weird."  The bottom right corner says "Matthew's schedule". 


Monday, January 20, 2014

Hiking Olinda Trail

I went hiking with my kids two weekends ago (Sunday, January 12, 2014) and we had a great time, except half way through the hike my maternal instinct went into hyperdrive and there seemed to be no reason for it. Hmmm... What could it have been? ("Matthew!  Stop walking on the edge!). He's like me- no fear of heights.  I got this picture of Matt while I was getting Sammie and Aaron to pose for a picture. 

If I don't take a picture of myself, even though I could've used some "freshening up", there might not be any pictures of me. 

Go girl!

Aaron might not like heights...(hurry up!)

Looking down... pretty steep. :)


Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 Funny Kid Comments

March 7,2014

Aaron gave me the run down on zombies:

Aaron: First, they are man.  Them one man eats another man's brains and he becomes a zombie.  Then the zombie eats the other zombie's brains and he becomes a zombie. Then they walk around saying "uhhhh" (arms stretched out in front of themselves). 

Me: who taught you about zombies?

Aaron: Ben G. and Tyler, but Ben G. says  zombies come from under ground...but that's not true! 

5 minutes later, Aaron says "zombies are scary, will you protect me from them?" 

Me: Of course!  But don't worry about zombies, there used to be zombies, but not anymore because we have medicines now. 

Aaron: Ok. Lets go watch TV. 

February 24, 2014
I was driving to Aaron's school with Matthew and Samantha in the car.  We were playing "I spy" and when it was my turn, Samantha got what I was "spying" but could not remember the name.  I had chosen the "Bird of Paradise" flower, and she described it exactly, but could not remember the name of the flower.  I told her I would tell her once we arrived at Aaron's school.  She got so frustrated she began to cry.  Matthew got frustrated from her crying and pinched her arm.  I immediately told Matthew he should not pinch anyone for any reason, and he said "but she is so...!"  Huh?  Loud and clear!  His speech is coming along!  Lol!
We're in the car leaving after picking Aaron up from school and were heading home.  Aaron had just brought home a lollipop and wanted to eat it.  I told him he could eat it after dinner and he did not like that but he said okay.  While I was driving I heard Samantha and Aaron in the back seat saying:

"Samantha: You know, sometimes you can eat the wrapper on the candy, did you know that?
Aaron: No, no you can't.
Samantha: Yes you can, have you ever tried the "rice" wrappers?  You can eat those wrappers.
Aaron: I don't care about the wrapper! I care about the candy!"

Lol!  I told Samantha I knew what she was talking about and those candies are fun to eat.  Aaron said "well, this isn't one of those candies, alright!".  Heh, heh, heh.... :)

January 28, 2014
Right before we went to bed last night and after I read to the kids, Aaron said "I dreamed that there was a tall woman who had a tree for her head and legs, and she had eyes but they were not useful for anything, and her eyes were on her feet..." and he went on and on, so much that I lost track of the description of this woman he was telling us about.  Right before he finished the details of his dreams, Matt stopped him by staying "Oh boy!!!" and then laughed but the kind of laugh that says "Oh come-on!".  Samantha and I laughed at his comment.  I assured Aaron that dreams are only dreams.
Aaron, Matt, and I were at Target shopping (Sammie was on "girl-time" with Nana).  Out of the blue, Aaron turns his back to me, pressed his forehead into the frozen food glass door, and said "You don't love me anymore". (?). I had just told him "no" to a series of things he wanted so...was that it?  I reassured him I loved him with a big, big hug and all was good again. 

Before leaving, we needed to buy a sympathy card for a dear friend of ours who had just lost her baby (miscarriage). So, I was very, very somber with them as we approached the cards area, explaining how hurt our friend and her family felt.  We walked past the birthday cards, Aaron grabed a card, really fast, and opened it while we were still walking. I was going to scold him for that (another "no!") could he get silly in a moment like that?... but after he opened the card, it made me laugh and kept him preoccupied while I looked for the right card. The card he picked had a "Spuds McKenzey" dog on the cover and when you open it, it plays "Bow wow wow, yippee yo, yippee yay...".  He danced while I found the card that I felt was best for our friend. :). Bless his heart (the little....!)
January 2014
Samantha and Aaron were playing with a new game, the one that has fish in a pond and the object is to pull the fish out with a fishing rod. The one who pulls out the most fish wins. Sam and Aaron played snd somehow Samantha won 2-3 games in a row. She told Aaron "Cool! I won again!" and Aaron said " It's okay!".  So, I stopped what I was doing and looked over and Sammie said "No, you're suppose to be happy for me because I won!"  and Aaron repeated "It's okay!  It's okay!"  Lol!  I watched them play another round and Sammie gave herself another turn right after catching a fish, and polished off all the fish in that manner...and kept winning. Aaron could not get the fish to bite!  Lol!  I set up new rules and made it fair for both of them (and then Sammie got upset!).  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ca Science Center 12-29-2013


Aaron kept stepping away when I took pictures!

Under Endeavor!

In Ca Science Ctr "Riverzone"

Kids are encouraged to make river channels

And dams