Friday, September 27, 2013

Care packages for kids

Look to the bottom of this picture for thr man in a dark, blue with his hands up, and to his right is a little, blonde girl with a "day-glow" light, green shirt with pink stripes, that's Samantha. Samantha was at "Kids Church" at EV Free, Fullerton this last Sunday at the morning service. The kids made "love packs", putting food into lunch bags and decorating them stickers and words like "we love you".  

When I went to church this last week to volunteer with Good Samaritan Center, the love packs were there!  Samantha helped put together love packs for kids in homeless families.  Amen!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Nana bought a microscope at a yard sale and it is a hit!  Nice and sturdy!  

These bugs we're calling "monsters" have been popping up here and there so we put a dead one under the mic:

(My iPhone takes pictures through the mic lens :) )  

Cupcake weekend

Samantha found a cupcake decorating kit on clearance at the grocery store and after buying it was inspired to make cupcakes immediately. Here they are, frosted by SamSam:

Cupcakes were that good!

Aaron loved them!

So did Matt!

Fun Saturday afternoon (9/21/2013)! Strawberry cupcake with strawberry frosting. Yum!