Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Fun! August 2010!

I took a lot of pictures this month so, here they are:

Playing at sprinkler in backyard

Serenading Birdie-Bird Harley like she often does

Getting ready for Karate

Teaching Harley to play basketball and swing!

Camping out in the living room

Picture by Sam

Monday, August 2, 2010

Celebrating life with Matthew, Samantha, and Aaron today!

Samantha said to me "Mommy, I got a bee!"  and sure enough, she had a bee on her hand. 
"I got it from the pool" and I could see it walking on her hand but I decided to double check with her and she said, "No, it's alive!"  I told her to put it on a flower so that it could eat.  She came back and said "Mommy, I couldn't put it on a flower, it just flew away."

Here are my kids while we were playing in the backyard this afternoon.